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Aquatic Serenity and Well-being

black snail in fresh water aquarium

Two Snails Re-appear After Missing for 6 Months

February 20, 20244 min read

Two Snails Re-appear After Missing for 6 Months


As a practitioner at Calm Animal Solution, I met Miles, a novice fish tank enthusiast, who reached out for help when he found himself at a loss with his aggressive tank dynamics. With larger fish dominating and smaller ones struggling to access food, Miles knew something needed to change.

Navigating Aggressive Fish Tank Dynamics

Miles observed the distressing sight of smaller fish being cornered by larger, more aggressive tank mates, making feeding time a struggle. Unsure of how to address the situation, he turned to Calm Animal Solution for guidance. Recognizing the need for a holistic solution, I recommended our Social Fish blend to help alleviate aggression and restore harmony to Miles' tank.

Calm Animal Solution Suggestion: Social Fish Blend

With hopeful anticipation, Miles applied the Social Fish solution as directed. Within a short time, he noticed a significant shift in his tank's atmosphere. All of his fish began to show up eagerly at feeding time, a stark contrast to the previous chaos. The aggression among the fish subsided, and Miles found himself enjoying the tranquil atmosphere of his tank once again.

The Mystery of the Missing Snails

Miles had assumed his snails had met an unfortunate end due to the aggression in his tank. However, to his surprise, one snail mysteriously reappeared after three days of using the Social Fish solution. A week later, the second snail also emerged. This revelation led Miles to speculate that the aggressive behavior of his fish may have driven the snails into hiding.

Miles was relieved and delighted to discover that his snails had miraculously reappeared after using Calm Animal Solution's Social Fish blend. As integral members of his tank's ecosystem, the presence of the snails not only brought a sense of completion to his aquatic environment but also served crucial roles in maintaining its health. Snails play a vital role in cleaning the tank by consuming algae and decaying matter, thus helping to prevent the buildup of waste and promoting water quality. Additionally, their constant grazing on surfaces helps to control algae growth and maintain a balanced ecosystem. With their reappearance, Miles could rest assured that his tank was not only aesthetically pleasing but also in good health, thanks to the invaluable contributions of his resilient snail companions.

Understanding Aggressive Fish Behavior

Certain types of fish are naturally more aggressive, often exhibiting territorial behavior and dominance over smaller tank mates. In Miles' case, it's likely that the larger, more aggressive fish were intimidating the smaller ones and even preying on the snails. Understanding the dynamics of aggressive fish behavior is crucial for maintaining a harmonious tank environment.

Fish enthusiasts should remain vigilant for signs of aggressive behavior among their tank inhabitants, as it can disrupt the harmony of the aquatic environment. One telltale sign of aggression is when smaller or more passive fish retreat into hiding spots to avoid confrontation with dominant tank mates. Similarly, if snails, which are typically resilient creatures, suddenly disappear or remain hidden for extended periods, it may indicate stress or aggression from other fish. Observing changes in fish behavior, such as chasing, nipping, or flaring fins, can also signal aggression. By closely monitoring these behaviors and intervening promptly, fish enthusiasts can mitigate aggression and create a more peaceful and harmonious tank environment for all inhabitants.

Addressing Aggression in Fish Tanks

To prevent aggression in fish tanks, it's essential to provide ample hiding places and territories for all tank inhabitants. Additionally, carefully selecting fish species with compatible temperaments can help reduce conflict. Regular monitoring and intervention, such as using calming solutions like Calm Animal Solution's Social Fish blend, can also mitigate aggression and promote a peaceful tank environment.


Thanks to Calm Animal Solution's Social Fish blend, Miles experienced a remarkable transformation in his fish tank. The aggression among his fish subsided, and feeding time became a peaceful affair. The reappearance of his missing snails highlighted the profound impact of the solution, offering insight into the hidden effects of aggressive tank dynamics. Moving forward, Miles gained valuable knowledge about managing aggression in fish tanks and ensuring the well-being of all his aquatic companions. With Calm Animal Solution's holistic approach, Miles' fish tank has become a tranquil haven where harmony prevails, demonstrating the power of holistic solutions in addressing pet behavior issues.

Privacy Disclaimer:
Please note that all names and identifying details in this story have been changed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals involved. While the narrative remains true to the essence of the experience, any resemblance to real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

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Catherine Winfree

Catherine Winfree is a nationally certified health and wellness coach, medical massage therapist, animal communicator, and flower essence practitioner. Supporting people and their pets to live in harmony with customized flower essence blends is the basis of her Calm Animal Solutions and Custom Essence Blends businesses.

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Before and After Videos


troubled waters calmed:

Magical Before & After videos!

Aggressive Fish Tank Improvement

Calmed By Social Fish Solution

Regular Tank Activity

Take a look at the fish swimming at a calmer pace!

before Social Fish Solution

1 day after Social Fish Solution

2 months after Social Fish Solution

feeding time

Notice the decreased feeding frenzy!

before Social Fish Solution

1 day after Social Fish Solution

2 months after Social Fish Solution



Fintastic Feedback

My Tank Is So Peaceful!

Missing Snails Re-appear

No More Fish Cannibalism!

peaceful fish


Harmony In the Harris' Fish Tank

snail on driftwood


Harmony In the Dunn's Fish Tank

blue and red fish


Harmony in the Meyer's Fish Tank

My tank became so aggressive. I no longer found it peaceful to sit and watch my tank.

One day later:

I can already see a difference! The tank is calmer and I get enjoyment from catching a glimpse of it as I walk by.

— DW

I thought my two snails were dead—I have not seen them in six months.

Two days later:

I spotted one snail out in the open.

One week later:

The second snail appeared along side the other.

— JN

I stopped buying my favorite small fish because they were eaten by my bigger fish within two days.

Two weeks later:

Now that my tank is calmer, it felt safe to add the small fish into the tank. I can still count all three of them one month later!

— CJ

My Tank Is So Peaceful!

peaceful fish


Harmony In the Harris' Fish Tank

My tank became so aggressive. I no longer found it peaceful to sit and watch my tank.

One day later:

I can already see a difference! The tank is calmer and I get enjoyment from catching a glimpse of it as I walk by.

— DW

Missing Snails Re-appear

snail on driftwood


Harmony In the Dunn's Fish Tank

I thought my two snails were dead—I have not seen them in six months.

Two days later:

I spotted one snail out in the open.

One week later:

The second snail appeared along side the other.

— JN

No More Fish Cannibalism!

blue and red fish


Harmony in the Meyer's Fish Tank

I stopped buying my favorite small fish because they were eaten by my bigger fish within two days.

Two weeks later:

Now that my tank is calmer, it felt safe to add the small fish into the tank. I can still count all five of them one month later!

— CJ

A Trained Animal Communicator Connects with Your Pet

With every order, a trained animal communicator connects with your pet to choose the right blend of flower essences

(e.g. Bach Flower Essences) for calming their anxiety. Custom blended flower essences are natural pet calming products.

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icon showing molecular representation of vegetable glycerin against a blue carrot background
icon showing molecular representation of water against a blue water drop
flower essences icon with blue flowers in the middle
unscented, oil-free, non-herbal, CBD-free and fragrance-free icon
logo with artistic drawing of a cat, a dog and a horse

Calm Animal Solutions

Calm Animal Solutions offers customized, natural remedies for dog anxiety, and are calming for cats. Plus, we create blends for horses, small animal pets, birds, poultry, reptiles, and fish.

©2024, Catherine Winfree. All rights reserved.

Mandatory FDA Notice: The statements made regarding Calm Animal Solutions have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any animal disease. Although the ingredients in Calm Animal Solutions are generally regarded as safe, you are encouraged to consult your veterinary before using any essence product (such as Bach Flower Essences, for example).

A Trained Animal Communicator Connects with Your Pet

With every order, a trained animal communicator connects with your pet to choose the right blend of flower essences (e.g. Bach Flower Essences) for calming their anxiety. Custom blended flower essences are natural pet calming products.

all-natural vegan and organic ingredients icon
unscented, oil-free, non-herbal, CBD-free and fragrance-free icon
icon showing molecular representation of water against a blue water drop
flower essences icon with blue flowers in the middle
icon showing molecular representation of vegetable glycerin against a blue carrot background

Mandatory FDA Notice: The statements made regarding Calm Animal Solutions have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any animal disease. Although the ingredients in Calm Animal Solutions are generally regarded as safe, you are encouraged to consult your veterinary before using any essence product.

logo with artistic drawing of a cat, a dog and a horse

©2024, Catherine Winfree. All rights reserved.