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6 Dog Anxiety Symptoms-A Basic Guide

February 14, 20244 min read

6 Dog Anxiety Symptoms

Dogs, like humans, can experience anxiety, and recognizing the symptoms is crucial for providing them with the care and support they need. From subtle cues to more pronounced behaviors, understanding the various manifestations of dog anxiety is the first step towards helping your furry friend find calm and comfort. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the nuanced symptoms of dog anxiety, empowering you to become a compassionate and attentive guardian for your beloved pet.

Physical Symptoms

Dogs often exhibit physical signs of anxiety that are observable through their body language and behavior. These may include excessive panting, drooling, trembling, or restlessness. You might notice your dog pacing back and forth, unable to settle, or seeking refuge in hidden spots within your home. Additionally, some dogs may experience gastrointestinal issues during periods of heightened anxiety, such as vomiting or diarrhea. It's essential to pay attention to these physical manifestations as they can provide valuable insights into your dog's emotional state.

Behavioral Changes

Anxiety can cause significant shifts in a dog's behavior, altering their typical demeanor and interactions. One common behavioral change is increased clinginess or attachment to their owner, seeking constant reassurance and attention. Conversely, some dogs may withdraw or become aloof, preferring solitude over social interaction. You may also observe changes in appetite, with some dogs experiencing a decrease in food intake while others may engage in stress-related overeating. Additionally, anxious dogs may display destructive behaviors such as chewing furniture, excessive licking, or digging, as a coping mechanism for their distress.

Aggression or Reactivity

In some cases, anxiety can manifest as aggression or heightened reactivity towards people, other animals, or environmental stimuli. Aggression and reactivity are often misunderstood aspects of canine behavior, especially in the context of anxiety. It's crucial to differentiate between the two to effectively address and manage your dog's emotional well-being. Your dog may growl, bark, or lunge when faced with perceived threats or triggers, such as unfamiliar visitors or loud noises. This aggressive behavior is often rooted in fear and serves as a means of self-protection. It's essential to address these reactions with patience and understanding, as punishing or scolding your dog can exacerbate their anxiety and escalate the situation.

Aggression typically involves an intentional act intended to harm or intimidate, often stemming from fear, territoriality, or resource guarding. An anxious dog may exhibit aggression as a defensive response to perceived threats, such as unfamiliar people or animals encroaching on their space. This aggression may manifest as growling, snapping, or biting, serving as a means of self-protection or asserting dominance. However, it's important to recognize that aggression is not synonymous with a lack of training or socialization; rather, it often reflects an underlying emotional imbalance that requires compassionate intervention.

Reactivity, on the other hand, refers to a heightened response to stimuli in the environment, such as sudden movements, loud noises, or unfamiliar sights or smells. While reactive behavior may appear aggressive, it is typically rooted in fear, insecurity, or over-stimulation rather than a deliberate intent to harm. Reactivity can manifest as barking, lunging, or pulling on the leash when encountering triggers, as the dog attempts to create distance or establish control over the situation.

Changes in Sleeping Patterns

Anxiety can disrupt a dog's sleep patterns, leading to difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking during the night, or restless sleep. You may notice your dog pacing or whining in the wee hours, unable to find comfort or relaxation. Conversely, some dogs may exhibit lethargy or excessive sleeping as a response to chronic stress and exhaustion. Monitoring your dog's sleeping habits can provide valuable insights into their emotional well-being and help identify underlying anxiety issues.

Avoidance Behaviors

Dogs experiencing anxiety may engage in avoidance behaviors as a means of coping with their stressors. This could involve avoiding certain places, people, or activities that they associate with their anxiety triggers. For example, a dog fearful of thunderstorms may retreat to a secluded area of the house during storms, seeking refuge from the perceived threat. Similarly, a dog with separation anxiety may become agitated or distressed when their owner prepares to leave, exhibiting avoidance behaviors to delay their departure. Understanding these avoidance cues can help you identify and address the root causes of your dog's anxiety.

Excessive Vocalization

Excessive vocalization, such as barking, whining, or howling, is another common symptom of dog anxiety. Your dog may vocalize excessively in response to various triggers, including separation, loud noises, or perceived threats. This vocal expression serves as a means of communication, signaling your dog's distress and seeking comfort or reassurance. While some degree of vocalization is normal, persistent or intense barking can indicate underlying anxiety issues that require attention and intervention.


Dog anxiety manifests in a myriad of symptoms, ranging from physical manifestations to behavioral changes and avoidance behaviors. By understanding these telltale signs, you can better support your furry friend's emotional well-being and provide them with the care and comfort they need to thrive. Whether through creating a safe environment, implementing calming techniques, or seeking professional guidance, addressing dog anxiety requires patience, empathy, and proactive intervention.

With your understanding, your dog can overcome their anxiety and lead a happier, healthier life by your side.

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Catherine Winfree

Catherine Winfree is a nationally certified health and wellness coach, medical massage therapist, animal communicator, and flower essence practitioner. Supporting people and their pets to live in harmony with customized flower essence blends is the basis of her Calm Animal Solutions and Custom Essence Blends businesses.

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Before and After Videos

Before and After Videos

Calm Canines Unleashed:

Magical Before & After videos!

Command Training Improvement

Supported by WELL-TRAINED DOG Solution

Take a look at the increased tail wagging!


3-weeks after

Reative Barking Dog

Calmed By Quiet Dog Solution

Notice how much calmer the barking dog's eyes are 2-weeks after Quiet Dog Solution.


1 week after

2 weeks after



Paw Praises

No More Fear of Garbage Trucks

No More Fear of Thunder and Leaf Blowers

No More Begging to be Carried Downstairs

dog laying on wood floor lookin up


Stay Relaxed and Calm with all Noises

outdoor photo of white dog with eyes closed sensing something to the left


Comfort with all Noises

brown and white dog laying at the top of the stairs


Confidence Going Down the Stairs

I always know when the garbage truck is in the neighborhood because my dog goes and hides in the upstairs bathroom.

One week later:

I was sure the garbage truck had not come because Shay stayed downstairs all day. Yet, I noticed my neighbors taking their garbage cans back to their houses. I went and checked mine, and sure enough, it was EMPTY! I’m so glad Shay does not feel the need to hide from the garbage truck anymore.

— GM

Pepper would let me know hours in advance that a storm was on the way. And she always went inside when I was blowing leaves.

One week later:

I was surprised to see a thunderstorm rolling in. I was used to Pepper letting me know hours ahead that a storm was on the way. She was curled up on the couch, sleeping through the whole storm. I also noticed she is content to be outside with me while I’m blowing leaves.

— VB

I know I created a problem when I started carrying Precious down the stairs instead of letting her manage the steps on her own. Several times a day she would whimper at the top of the stairs, waiting for me to carry her down.

One week later:

I was able to ignore the whimpers and noticed Precious had come down the stairs to where I was on her own.

— EW

No More Fear of Garbage Trucks

dog laying on wood floor lookin up


Stay Relaxed and Calm with all Noises

I always know when the garbage truck is in the neighborhood because my dog goes and hides in the upstairs bathroom.

One week later:

I was sure the garbage truck had not come because Shay stayed downstairs all day. Yet, I noticed my neighbors taking their garbage cans back to their houses. I went and checked mine, and sure enough, it was EMPTY! I’m so glad Shay does not feel the need to hide from the garbage truck anymore.

— GM

No More Fear of Thunder and Leaf Blowers

outdoor photo of white dog with eyes closed sensing something to the left


Comfort with all Noises

Pepper would let me know hours in advance that a storm was on the way. And she always went inside when I was blowing leaves.

One week later:

I was surprised to see a thunderstorm rolling in. I was used to Pepper letting me know hours ahead that a storm was on the way. She was curled up on the couch, sleeping through the whole storm. I also noticed she is content to be outside with me while I’m blowing leaves.

— VB

No More Begging to be Carried Downstairs

brown and white dog laying at the top of the stairs


Confidence Going Down the Stairs

I know I created a problem when I started carrying Precious down the stairs instead of letting her manage the steps on her own. Several times a day she would whimper at the top of the stairs, waiting for me to carry her down.

One week later:

I was able to ignore the whimpers and noticed Precious had come down the stairs to where I was on her own.

— EW

...more PRAISES

No More Jumping on the House Guests

Improved Dog Training and Behavior

From Car Sick Dog to Traveling Dog

brown and white dog with a happy looking face_pink background


Calm and Confident Greeter

man with dark hair and facial hair crouched down and leaning in close to a white dog with a chest leash


Come Quickly and Steady Leash Walking

close up photo or older reddish-brown dog


Stay Relaxed During Car Rides

I'm seeing signs of change in Ginny, every time I sat down, I realized she wasn't jumping on my lap for attention. I've left the house about four times; when I return, she doesn't jump on me until I've put all my stuff down and start petting the dogs.

One week later:

I opened the door to find three dogs, each with all four paws on the floor, wagging their tails. Nobody was jumping on me or winding around my feet, tripping me.

— JU

I wasn’t expecting much, but the essences have really helped our dog.

One week later:

I noticed Max was responding to the first call to ‘come’. He was pulling less on the leash when he was distracted by a squirrel.

— MB

We are an on-the-go-family. Our new rescue dog, Sparrow, had a nervous stomach, which made traveling miserable for him.

One week later:

I am so pleased to report Sparrow is much more relaxed in the car—he goes with us everywhere!

— EW

A Trained Animal Communicator Connects with Your Pet

With every order, a trained animal communicator connects with your pet to choose the right blend of flower essences

(e.g. Bach Flower Essences) for calming their anxiety. Custom blended flower essences are natural pet calming products.

all-natural vegan and organic ingredients icon
icon showing molecular representation of vegetable glycerin against a blue carrot background
icon showing molecular representation of water against a blue water drop
flower essences icon with blue flowers in the middle
unscented, oil-free, non-herbal, CBD-free and fragrance-free icon
logo with artistic drawing of a cat, a dog and a horse

Calm Animal Solutions

Calm Animal Solutions offers customized, natural remedies for dog anxiety, and are calming for cats. Plus, we create blends for horses, small animal pets, birds, poultry, reptiles, and fish.

©2024, Catherine Winfree. All rights reserved.

Mandatory FDA Notice: The statements made regarding Calm Animal Solutions have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any animal disease. Although the ingredients in Calm Animal Solutions are generally regarded as safe, you are encouraged to consult your veterinary before using any essence product (such as Bach Flower Essences, for example).

...more PRAISES

No More Jumping on the House Guests

brown and white dog with a happy looking face_pink background


Calm and Confident Greeter

I'm seeing signs of change in Ginny, every time I sat down, I realized she wasn't jumping on my lap for attention. I've left the house about four times; when I return, she doesn't jump on me until I've put all my stuff down and start petting the dogs.

One week later:

I opened the door to find three dogs, each with all four paws on the floor, wagging their tails. Nobody was jumping on me or winding around my feet, tripping me.

— JU

Improved Dog Training and Behavior

man with dark hair and facial hair crouched down and leaning in close to a white dog with a chest leash


Come Quickly and Steady Leash Walking

I wasn’t expecting much, but the essences have really helped our dog.

One week later:

I noticed Max was responding to the first call to ‘come’. He was pulling less on the leash when he was distracted by a squirrel.

— MB


close up photo or older reddish-brown dog


Stay Relaxed During Car Rides

We are an on-the-go-family. Our new rescue dog, Sparrow, had a nervous stomach, which made traveling miserable for him.

One week later:

I am so pleased to report Sparrow is much more relaxed in the car—he goes with us everywhere!

— EW

A Trained Animal Communicator Connects with Your Pet

With every order, a trained animal communicator connects with your pet to choose the right blend of flower essences (e.g. Bach Flower Essences) for calming their anxiety. Custom blended flower essences are natural pet calming products.

all-natural vegan and organic ingredients icon
unscented, oil-free, non-herbal, CBD-free and fragrance-free icon
icon showing molecular representation of water against a blue water drop
flower essences icon with blue flowers in the middle
icon showing molecular representation of vegetable glycerin against a blue carrot background

Mandatory FDA Notice: The statements made regarding Calm Animal Solutions have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any animal disease. Although the ingredients in Calm Animal Solutions are generally regarded as safe, you are encouraged to consult your veterinary before using any essence product.

logo with artistic drawing of a cat, a dog and a horse

©2024, Catherine Winfree. All rights reserved.