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 Two Grouchy Cats and a New Kitten

February 15, 20244 min read

Two Grouchy Cats and a New Kitten

Introduction: A Challenging Introduction of a New Kitten

Navigating the delicate dynamics of introducing a new kitten to a household of adult cats can be fraught with challenges, especially when resource guarding and territorial behavior come into play. As a practitioner of Calm Animal Solution, I encountered a client facing precisely this situation. Her older cats displayed unmistakable signs of resource guarding and territorial aggression toward the new kitten, prompting her to seek a solution to restore peace and harmony to her home.

The Challenge: Resource Guarding and Territorial Behaviors

The client's older cats exhibited classic signs of resource guarding, fiercely protecting their territory and possessions from the perceived threat posed by the new kitten. Their behavior was characterized by hissing, growling, and even physical aggression, making it necessary for the client to keep the kitten confined to a separate room to prevent conflict and ensure its safety. This created a tense and stressful environment, as the client struggled to manage the complex dynamics between her furry companions.

Change can often disrupt the delicate balance within a pet's environment, triggering resource guarding and territorial behavior. Introducing a new kitten into a household already occupied by established cats can be a particularly challenging transition. The arrival of the newcomer can evoke feelings of insecurity and competition among the existing pets, leading to defensive reactions aimed at protecting their territory and resources. In this case, the client's older cats exhibited classic signs of resource guarding, manifesting as hostility toward the new kitten and a reluctance to share their space. Recognizing the potential for conflict, the client sought proactive measures to mitigate these behaviors and create a more harmonious environment for all her furry companions.

Calm Animal Solution's Intervention: Sharing Cat

In response to the client's concerns, I recommended Calm Animal Solution's Sharing Cat blend as a targeted intervention to address the underlying emotional imbalances driving the cats' behavior. The blend is custom formulated to promote cooperation and harmony among these three cats, making it an ideal choice for resolving conflicts arising from resource guarding and territorial aggression behaviors.

To address the delicate dynamics of introducing a new kitten to her household of grouchy cats, the client diligently incorporated Calm Animal Solution's Sharing Cat blend into their daily routine. Each morning, she added two drops of the essence to her cats' fresh drinking water, ensuring they received a consistent dose of its calming properties. Additionally, she utilized a spray bottle filled with a solution of water and the Sharing Cat blend to mist throughout the house. This method infused the environment with the soothing vibration, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and reassurance for all her pets. Through these careful measures, the client sought to promote a sense of unity and cooperation among her furry companions, ultimately fostering a harmonious coexistence within her home.

Signs of Progress: A Shift in Dynamics

Within just two days of starting the Sharing Cat blend, the client began to notice subtle but significant changes in the interactions between her older cats and the new kitten. The once-hostile demeanor of the older cats softened, replaced by a sense of curiosity and acceptance toward the newcomer. They showed less aggression and tension, indicating a shift in their perception of the kitten from a threat to a potential companion.

A Peaceful Co-existence

Encouraged by these promising signs, the client decided to take a bold step and allow the kitten to roam freely in the house while she ran errands. Upon her return, she was greeted by a heartwarming sight: all three cats peacefully coexisting on the same bed. The tension that had once characterized their interactions had dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. It was a testament to the transformative power of the Sharing Cat blend in fostering harmony among her furry companions.

A Reflection: Addressing Emotional Needs with Flower Essences

Reflecting on the client's journey, it became evident that the Sharing Cat blend had played a crucial role in resolving the resource guarding and territorial behavior exhibited by her older cats. By addressing the underlying emotional imbalances driving their aggression, the blend helped to create a more harmonious and inclusive environment for all her pets.

Conclusion: Creating a New Unity

In conclusion, the client's success story highlights the effectiveness of flower essences in addressing complex behavioral challenges among pets. Through targeted interventions like Calm Animal Solution's Sharing Cat blend, it is possible to alleviate resource guarding and territorial behavior, fostering a sense of cooperation and harmony within the household. As the client and her furry companions continued to thrive together, they served as a testament to the transformative power of flower essences in promoting well-being and unity among pets.

Privacy Disclaimer:
Please note that all names and identifying details in this story have been changed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the individuals involved. While the narrative remains true to the essence of the experience, any resemblance to real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

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Catherine Winfree

Catherine Winfree is a nationally certified health and wellness coach, medical massage therapist, animal communicator, and flower essence practitioner. Supporting people and their pets to live in harmony with customized flower essence blends is the basis of her Calm Animal Solutions and Custom Essence Blends businesses.

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white flashing arrow




cat chronicles

New Kitten Tolerated by Older cats

Mother cat kinder to grown daughter cat

cats playing again after loss of main caretaker

woman with two cats


Harmony Amongst the Cats

two cats resting together


Kinder Cat Interactions

two cats rubbing noses


Enjoy Life Again

I had to put my kitten in a separate room when I left the house because the older cats hiss and bat at her.

Two days later:

I felt comfortable leaving the kitten with the older cats when I ran an errand. When I returned they were all sitting peacefully on the same bed!

— SN

Louisa was a great mom to Florence when she was a kitten, but became hostile towards her as she grew older.

One week later:

I noticed Louisa allowing Florence to sit closer to her on the window ledge, as they watched the birds.

Two weeks later:

Louisa and Florence are taking turns grooming each other!

— FP

After my partner passed from an illness, our cats became skittish and hid under different beds.

Three days later:

The cats are rambunctious and playing with each other again. They seem so happy to be around each other.

— HT

new kitten tolerated by older cats

woman with two cats


Harmony Amongst the Cats

I have to put my kitten in a separate room when I leave the house because the older cats hiss and bat at her.

Two days later:

I felt comfortable leaving the kitten with the older cats when I ran an errand. When I returned they were all sitting peacefully on the same bed!

— SN

Mother cat kinder to grown daughter cat

two cats resting together


Kinder Cat Interactions

Louisa was a great mom to Florence when she was a kitten, but became hostile towards her as she grew older.

One week later:

I noticed Louisa allowing Florence to sit closer to her on the window ledge, as they watched the birds.

Two weeks later:

Louisa and Florence are taking turns grooming each other!

— FP

cats playing again after loss of main caretaker

two cats rubbing noses


Enjoy Life Again

After my partner passed from an illness, our cats became skittish and hid under different beds.

Three days later:

The cats are rambunctious and playing with each other again. They seem so happy to be around each other.

— HT

A Trained Animal Communicator Connects with Your Pet

With every order, a trained animal communicator connects with your pet to choose the right blend of flower essences

(e.g. Bach Flower Essences) for calming their anxiety. Custom blended flower essences are natural pet calming products.

all-natural vegan and organic ingredients icon
icon showing molecular representation of vegetable glycerin against a blue carrot background
icon showing molecular representation of water against a blue water drop
flower essences icon with blue flowers in the middle
unscented, oil-free, non-herbal, CBD-free and fragrance-free icon
logo with artistic drawing of a cat, a dog and a horse

Calm Animal Solutions

Calm Animal Solutions offers customized, natural remedies for dog anxiety, and are calming for cats. Plus, we create blends for horses, small animal pets, birds, poultry, reptiles, and fish.

©2024, Catherine Winfree. All rights reserved.

Mandatory FDA Notice: The statements made regarding Calm Animal Solutions have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any animal disease. Although the ingredients in Calm Animal Solutions are generally regarded as safe, you are encouraged to consult your veterinary before using any essence product (such as Bach Flower Essences, for example).

A Trained Animal Communicator Connects with Your Pet

With every order, a trained animal communicator connects with your pet to choose the right blend of flower essences (e.g. Bach Flower Essences) for calming their anxiety. Custom blended flower essences are natural pet calming products.

all-natural vegan and organic ingredients icon
unscented, oil-free, non-herbal, CBD-free and fragrance-free icon
icon showing molecular representation of water against a blue water drop
flower essences icon with blue flowers in the middle
icon showing molecular representation of vegetable glycerin against a blue carrot background

Mandatory FDA Notice: The statements made regarding Calm Animal Solutions have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any animal disease. Although the ingredients in Calm Animal Solutions are generally regarded as safe, you are encouraged to consult your veterinary before using any essence product.

logo with artistic drawing of a cat, a dog and a horse

©2024, Catherine Winfree. All rights reserved.